I am a vivid collector of Norwegian coins and currency. A few years back I purchased a Norwegian 2 Skilling 1784, a common small silver coin. This King Christian VII design was minted at the town of Kongsberg from 1778 to 1788.

Norway 2 Skilling 1784

Upon closer inspection I realized the coin was an overstrike of another coin, and I can clearly see the letters” DIME”. To my surprise, the overstrike suggested that the Norwegian coin was struck on what appears to be a US Seated Liberty Dime. The letters ONE DIME seems pretty evident. However, the first US Seated Liberty Dime was made in 1837, 53 years AFTER the Norwegian 2 Skilling was made.  

This leads the question, how can a 1784 coin be struck on a coin made more than 50 years later? I have never figured this one out, so appreciate any thoughts.

I have a few theories and questions, none of them are really plausible:

  • US MINT: Is it possible that someone took the 1784 Norwegian coin into the US Mint after 1837 and had it punched with a Liberty Seated Dime die for fun? This seems unlikely as I have been told the US Mint had strickt protocols against such. Also, if this was the case, then the coin should have a stronger resemble of a Liberty Dime and less of a 2 Skilling

  • CONTEMPORARY FAKE: Could the 2 skilling have been used as a test by someone making contemporary fake Seated Libert Dimes?  

  • KONGSBERG MINT: Could someone at the Kongsberg Mint have taken a US Seated Liberty and then used the more than 50 year old dies from the previous century to restrike the US coin?

The revers is an intact 2 skilling 1784 with no issues except low grade. Any other theories that can solve this coin mystery?